Take a look

Take a look on this movie and see this beautiful city.
See what is written in there and think.
Think that some one in this world is preparing another invasion, another mortal bombing, another human chaos!
You ask me who are preparing the invasion?
Of course the some guys again! The usual rambos. What else could be??

For one moment suppose you are walking through Vali Asr Boulevard, Argentin Square or Khiaban Ifriqa, crossing the Meliat Park or skiing in Tochal on the Alborz Mountains or looking to the Azadi Tower.
Would you like to see suddenly the flash of the evil around you?
Would you like to see one of the most beautiful and important cultures in the world be destroyed by the barbarians? I don´t think so!

Sem comentários:

E,..., aqueles que já lá andam há 50 anos????

  Em épocas de escândalos de malas roubadas em aeroportos, imobiliárias fantasmas, muitas negociatas mafiosas, desvios de quantias faraónica...
