Palestinians - The new genocide

World blind to genocide of Palestinians: Analyst.
A political analyst has lashed out at the world leaders for their inaction towards the “slow-motion genocide” of the Palestinian nation by Israel, Press TV reports.
PressTV 10/12/2013

Palestinians - The new genocide in front of our eyes.
The slow motion genocide against one people inside of their land.

World leaders turn a blind eye to the worst Israeli abuses endlessly.
Their crimes of war and crimes against humanity increase every year and with bigger brutality and savagery.

Even for all who conscienciously agree with the existance of a State of Israel, it is clear that this country is nowdays the main core of all disgrace that happens in the Middle East.

At the end of 2013, after Mandela´s died, is ironic how we rise a figure like the former President of South Africa that eliminated apartheid and the Palestinian situation is purposely forgotten.

At least one day get to hope the Palestinians have one Mandela.

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