Turkey turning to Iran, Russia to tackle Syrian crisis: analysts.
TEHRAN – Turkey is turning to regional powers Iran and Russia, backers of the Syrian government, to help it deal with the crisis in Syria that has spilled across its border with deadly shelling and a flood of refugees, analysts say, AFP reported on Tuesday.
by Tehran Times 25/10/2012
Never too late to know where are the necessary and urgent aids.
In this horrific time that Syria crosses, with its territory invaded and attacked by terrorists from Al Ghäeda, paid by Western powers, will be a good sign if the matter is resolved by the countries of that area.
This is, at least, the clear Turkish position.
With two hundred thousand Syrian refugees on its borders, nothing better than clarify the situation, speaking to those who know better than anybody, all the subjects that involves this terrible and externally imposed civil war.
Russia, Iran, Turkey and even, siting on the some table, the Devil (Saudi Arabia) can forward with the necessary deal in order to save Syria from the equivalent situation that the usual shadows of the World imposed on Tunes, Lybia and in a certain manner Egypt.
Let´s see the next days!
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