Hezbollah drone scanned Israel missile sites!

Hezbollah drone scanned Israel missile sites, main airfields: Report
“The drone, which was airborne for three hours before being intercepted by an F-16 jet, is believed to have transmitted pictures of preparations for Israel’s biggest joint military exercise with the US army… as well as ballistic missile sites, main airfields and, possibly, its nuclear reactor in Dimona.”
By PressTV /12/2012 - link

Thinking that others can not do the same is a perfect stupidity.
They do the some and in the very next future they will do better than ever,..........,for your admiration and fear!

There is no secrets.
Is only a matter of time and patience.
They have all the time of the World, because they defend their homeland.
The others no! They are almost on the deadline!

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O que assusta muito,....,!

  O que mais nos assusta não é o facto do terrorismo media nos mentir a toda a hora. todos os dias. desavergonhadamente e descaradamente. Es...
