"Natural growth"

"Israel's Channel Two news recently conducted an investigative report that unmasks the deception of so-called "natural growth" in the settlements. The 2.5 minute televised report, which is subtitled in English, can be seen on YouTube. (A second televised report, from yesterday, shows Peace Now volunteers and a Channel Two news crew attacked by settlers: ;.)

The report on "natural growth" unmasks a series of outright falsehoods disseminated by settlers and the Israeli government. Viewers of the Channel Two report are shown abandoned housing in existing settlements even as new buildings are going up (signs advertising the new homes for sale are shown in the second report), and we also learn that Israel is continuing to house a stream of new immigrants in the settlements".

From Jewish Peace News

This is information not available into Portuguese TV/newspaper for reasons very well known by us!!

Anyway is good to have youtube in order to know what hapens outside, to take a realistic position and at the some time to concluded how we can be controled/supidified by the fucking internal portuguese media (TV mainly and same newspapers)!

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O que assusta muito,....,!

  O que mais nos assusta não é o facto do terrorismo media nos mentir a toda a hora. todos os dias. desavergonhadamente e descaradamente. Es...
