As long as....

As long as
Poema retirado do site Spirit of Humanity

The People of Palestine
Have no liberty, no freedom
Those of us with a voice to speak:
Must speak!

As long as
The Children of Gaza
Live in fear of Israeli
Bombs and occupation
Those of us with a voice to speak:
Must speak!

As long as
Six million Palestinian refugees
Are deportees around the world
Those of us with a voice to speak:
Must speak!

As long as
Millions of God’s Children
Are hungry, imprisoned, and without hope
Those of us with a voice to speak:
Must speak!

Because it is in speaking
We find our liberty, our freedom
And no prison bars can take away
Our peace, our love
Which is the true Spirit of Humanity!

Poema escrito por MAIREAD MAGUIRE
Laureado com o Pémio Nobel durante o seu encarceramento na prisão de Ramle, Israel
3l de Junho, 2009

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O que assusta muito,....,!

  O que mais nos assusta não é o facto do terrorismo media nos mentir a toda a hora. todos os dias. desavergonhadamente e descaradamente. Es...
