Every drop of blood that falls.......

(Foto retirada do site www.freegaza.org)

If Hamas Did Not Exist

Let us get one thing perfectly straight. If the wholesale mutilation and degradation of the Gaza Strip is going to continue; if Israel’s will is at one with that of the United States; if the European Union, Russia, the United Nations and all the international legal agencies and organizations spread across the globe are going to continue to sit by like hollow mannequins doing nothing but making repeated “calls” for a “ceasefire” on “both sides”; if the cowardly, obsequious and supine Arab States are going to stand by watching their brethren get slaughtered by the hour while the world’s bullying Superpower eyes them threateningly from Washington lest they say something a little to their disliking; then let us at least tell the truth why this hell on earth is taking place.


(Foto retirada do site www.freegaza.org)

The lifeblood of the Palestinian National Movement flows through the streets of Gaza today. Every drop that falls waters the soil of vengeance, bitterness and hatred not only in Palestine but across the Middle East and much of the world. We do have a choice over whether or not this should continue. Now is the time to make it.

Jennifer Loewenstein is the Associate Director of the Middle East Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

1 comentário:

Condor disse...

Você pomposo, é.
Ler, lê mal.
Pelos vistos também é apressado.
Nem percebeu o post nem perdeu tempo a ler/ver o blogue.
Como em Teerão, pelos vistos.
Sabe temos lá quem tenha estudado teologia, ( xiismo e sufismo ), em Qom.
Tá a ver. Precipitou-se. E fez de burro. Mesmo com os adornos que enfia para alinhar três linhas.



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