Realmente a Oeste nada de novo

In the police van with Maia Ettinger, daughter and grand-daughter of Holocaust survivors.

Yesterday, I was part of a delegation of activists from Jewish Voice for Peace and Jews Say No! who took over the Friends of the IDF headquarters in New York. Until we were arrested, we read the names and ages of the dead and sang songs of mourning, often with our voices breaking and tears rolling down our faces. We stood there for an hour, reading the names steadily, and still did not read them all.

From Jewish Voice for Peace 24/07/2014

Este documento foi-me enviado ainda hoje pela Organização Humanitária Jewish Voice for Peace como um alerta de quem está a pagar com a prisão o facto de contestar a criminosa agressão da IDF em Ghaza.

Nem a propósito!
Depois do anterior artigo que escrevi, depara-se-me mais uma prova da atitude daqueles que Eu jamais me cansarei de chamar canalhas e que têm alimentado este crime, esta guerra constante entre dois Povos, para além de incontáveis males feitos a toda a Humanidade.

Se mais provas houvessem, de que não interessa aos USA uma paz duradoura no Médio Oriente, bastava para isso ver o tratamento com que mimoseiam muitos dos seus conterrâneos ou compatriotas que ousam contestá-los.

Realmente a Oeste nada de novo!

Stop allowing human rights violations

The US government has enabled the large-scale violation of Palestinian human rights through decades of unconditional military, economic, and diplomatic support. This approach has failed in every way and has led to deaths, suffering and insecurity primarily for Palestinians, but also for Israelis and others around the world.

The remedy for this failure is as simple as it is urgent: The President and Congress must use every tool at their disposal to ensure that the Israeli government is not above the law, and that Israel cannot violate the rights of, or commit war crimes against Palestinians with impunity. Only a US policy that ensures justice for all people can achieve a lasting peace.

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