Times are changing

War of words: The new 'Chechen terror'.
Eric Draitser is an independent geopolitical analyst based in New York City and the founder of StopImperialism.com.
RT 22/04/2013

For years the US and its intelligence services have championed the Chechen cause – legitimizing terrorism as righteous resistance. But after news that the two alleged Boston bombers were of Chechen origin, the story took on a new political dimension.

When we play at home, assertions and accusations change quicly.
Former allies and mercenaries to carry out terrorist activities on the lands of others, now are called forces of evil.

Chechens always fought against Russia with West help and support.
Now these last ones, drink the poison created.
Times are changing and something is happening on the other side of the Atlantic.
And through their own fault

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O que assusta muito,....,!

  O que mais nos assusta não é o facto do terrorismo media nos mentir a toda a hora. todos os dias. desavergonhadamente e descaradamente. Es...
