In the name of God and Israel, off course!

Tensions high in West Bank
Abbas: Israel to blame for worsening health of prisoner who died of cancer
Clashes erupt in Hebron after death of 64-year-old Palestinian detainee Maysara Abuhamdieh; Netanyahu's office: In PA prisons, inmates receive no medical attention.

by Haaretz 02/04/2013

After being diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus in February, the God´s "chosen people" allowed, directly or indirectly, doesn´t metter now, the death of Maysara Abuhamdieh, from Hebron, serving a life sentence since 2002 for "attempted" murder, membership in Hamas and weapons possession.

That´s how the "chosen people" works.
In the name of God and Israel, off course!

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