The Troika - Apocalypse knights

‘Portuguese welfare claimants on waiting list for food’.
The economic crisis in Portugal is forcing an increasing number of people in the recession-mired eurozone country to turn to food banks for help.
PressTV 17/04/2013

“We have more people asking for our help every year, the list is growing so fast that we had to do something that isn’t our policy: create a waiting list,” said Rogerio Figueira, a volunteer with CASA Association, a non-profit association supporting people who live in vulnerable conditions.

That´s how they, from Iran and the World, see Portugal, a country suffering imposed economical sanctions on our people by the fucking and terrorist Troika (IMF, ECB and European Commission).
Those three plus the today´s portuguese government, form the Apocalypse knights!

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O que assusta muito,....,!

  O que mais nos assusta não é o facto do terrorismo media nos mentir a toda a hora. todos os dias. desavergonhadamente e descaradamente. Es...
