Zionist racism, nationalism and expansionism.
Is Palestinian solidarity an occupied zone?
Once involved with Palestinian Solidarity you have to accept that Jews are special and so is their suffering; Jews are like no other people, their Holocaust is like no other genocide and anti-Semitism, is the vilest form of racism the world has ever known and so on and so forth.
PressTV 10/03/2013
The answer is simple. Palestinian Solidarity is an occupied zone and, like all such occupied zones, must dedicate itself to the fight against ‘anti Semitism’. Dutifully united against racism, but for one reason or another, the movement is almost indifferent towards the fate of millions of Palestinians living in refugee camps and their right of return to their homeland.
Kasrils is dead right. It is much worse than Apartheid and far more sophisticated than colonialism. And why? Because what the Zionists did and are doing is neither Apartheid, nor is it colonialism. Apartheid wanted to exploit the Africans while Israel wants the Palestinians gone. Colonialism is an exchange between a mother and a settler state. Israel never had a mother State, though it may well have had a few ‘surrogate mothers’.
By Israeli born british gentleman;
Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli-born British jazz saxophonist, novelist, political activist and writer. Atzmon's album Exile was BBC jazz album of the year in 2003. Also, being a prolific writer, Atzmon's essays are widely published. His novels Guide to the perplexed and My One And Only Love have been translated into 24 languages. Gilad's latest book, The Wandering Who? is a study of Jewish Identity politics. More articles by Gilad Atzmon
Yes I know very well!!! This is a PressTV information, bla, bla, bla, bla and so on.
This is from Iran, one reason to the west try to destroy the satelit access information. They are trying without sucess fortunately, i say.
I know the usual excuses.
But for me today, thanks to internet, this situation no longer counts for the simple reason that i have a deeply difficulty to believe in everything some guys say, write or comment on this side of the World.
At the moment, as i told before, I do believe and accept this information so real as i believe what i read and see in the West.
So what?
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