The Story never told

Dresden bombing, Britain’s forgotten war crime of WWII.
While Britain claims to be an advocate of human rights in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and many other countries around the world, British history itself is corroborating evidence that Britain, the greatest human rights preacher, has also been the most flagrant human rights breacher.
PressTV 15/02/2013

I know.
It is difficult later or soon, to know something more than the intend and imposes information by the "legal point of view" of the winner.
Crimes like this are always crimes, every place, every where you go or leave.
And it not depends if are made by those who we belong or those who we fought!

We know very well that many things have been hidden from people.
It was always like that, during centuries of Human life.

But anyhow, maintaining this criminal actions hidden and enhance others, it is matter of criminal weight conscience.
That´s why is good some one, outside of our media comfort area, alert us for many trues hidden in haste!

This is the balance that I like and highlights more than ever that it is required, I say is a must, to read two or more pieces into play!

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O que assusta muito,....,!

  O que mais nos assusta não é o facto do terrorismo media nos mentir a toda a hora. todos os dias. desavergonhadamente e descaradamente. Es...
