Saudi Arabye - high-tech tyranny!

Sharia police state?
Saudi husbands can track wives’ travels electronically
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Published by RT: 22 November, 2012

Saudi Arabye - high-tech tyranny! Control women from long distance!
Not acceptable in the West. But accepted in the West if could happens in outside borders, somewhere in the middle of the desert!

This Arab country is the one very well supported by "democratic" west countries!
His name is Saudy Arabye and as Ahmadynejad says, with all reason "Saudy Arabye is a gasoline pump not a country"!

Millions and millions of US$ Dollars and few thousand euros (is the european crisis, my God), are dumped annually in this prehistoric country, but hypocritically supported by the Western capitalist scum and oil drinker!

It is a shame that some persons continue to see enemies where there could be understanding, friendship and cooperation!
It is really a shame!

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E,..., aqueles que já lá andam há 50 anos????

  Em épocas de escândalos de malas roubadas em aeroportos, imobiliárias fantasmas, muitas negociatas mafiosas, desvios de quantias faraónica...
