Syrian veto or other western bluff??

Libyan diplomat's son speaks about father's 'torture'
Here is the real aim of the USA/UK....yet the patsy the main stream manufactures for itself in the west through manipulation still have their doubts and believe in the correctness of the USA and UK.

Syrian veto or other very well known western bluff??
Reading an article like this who can blame them, we can tranfer all the preparing actions nowdays what Syria concerns.

According to the last examples, in the world today it is crystal clear which force is the greatest of evil and ignorance.

It is easy to see that these great evils are the some group who destroyed Irak, Afganistan and is trying to apply in Syria the some resolution.

More than ever the position of Russia and China has been welcomed, at least to stop the Ocidental group of bankrupt gangsters but dangerously armed.

Moscovo pretende persuadir o regime a fazer reformas democráticas
Lavrov aclamado por milhares de sírios pró-Assad à chegada a Damasco
Público 07.02.2012

O ministro russo dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Serguei Lavrov, foi esta manhã aclamado por milhares de pessoas à chegada a Damasco, que agradeceram a posição firme de apoio que a Rússia tem mantido no palco internacional ao regime do Presidente Bashar al-Assad.

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