Position clarification

Israeli prisoners
Articles about prisoners in Istraeli jails.

In Free Gaza site of July 2009

It is our duty as a Human being, to accuse and give the necessary knowledge at all, what the behaviour of Israeli Army in Palestine concerns.

Israel is considered an “Occidental Democracy” (as they say)!

But as far as we realise and according to the Western propaganda, we are completely alienated and controlled as a flock, easily accepting each word they say, mostly without looking aside.

Maybe could all of us read the articles into this link (an Israel and Palestinian site among dozens of them) to have an idea what is happening in a world of terror and misery developed by those who suffering so hard during the World War II, are using nearly the some military methods than used before by the nazi forces.

I have not strong enough to change the World, I know.
But it is my duty to give you an idea, using this blog, the other side view of the problem!

Some one can claim that it is not true what they (Palestinian) say!
But this someone is not capable, has no reason to assure me that Isreal or the Occident in general speaks the true!

Today is difficult to believe in the European or American media.
We have a lot and we know that!
Everyone knows!

I think I always have done the necessary balance according to antagonic positions and based on different information.
However, we must do our choice according to our sensibility and feelings!
We have this right!

I have done mine and this choice is not a yesterday or today choice.
Was decided a long time ago and is clear in many comments and alarms done in my blog!

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