New Israeli crime with the blessing of the USA


Tehran holds state funeral for Fakhrizadeh, who it says was killed remotely using ‘electronic devices’

In The Guardian 30/11/2020

New usual Israeli crime, with the blessing of the USA, one more time against Iran! 

Unpunished to any type of intervention, in any country, the Hebrew State continues without any opposition (even UE, that cowardly as usual, take a look aside) from the International Community, to practice all types of state terrorism wherever it wants and desires.

As much as I respect like anyone does, could have (the respect) for all that the Jews in past times have been suffered, the final credit is reduced to zero, further increasing the feeling of hatred that many people has for a nation that would deserved a better and kind people; Israel!

As a country and as a people, I wish to them no harm. Never!

But because Iran was a country where I lived, worked and passed some of the best times of my life, already long enough, and be able to affirm consciously, that the Iranian People does not deserve these vile attacks against his sovereignty, I can´t and I don´t forgive this Israel crime.

I have to recognize and accept the right of the Islamic Republic of Iran to retaliate in the worst way they can!

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O que assusta muito,....,!

  O que mais nos assusta não é o facto do terrorismo media nos mentir a toda a hora. todos os dias. desavergonhadamente e descaradamente. Es...
