Obama, pára por favor! - Obama, please stop!

Despite diplomacy on Syria, Obama says US prepared to attack Iran!
US President Barack Obama has said the United States is still prepared to “strike” Iran over its nuclear program despite the decision to back off a military threat against Syria.
PressTV 16/09/2013

Lá está ele outra vez!
Está com toda vontade de provocar sangue em qualquer lado!

Obama, pára por favor e deixa as soluções internas de outras nações independentes serem resolvidas pelos próprios.
Ainda não destruís-te a Síria e já estás a pensar no Irão?
Não te chega o Afeganistão, o Iraque e a Líbia?

Que raio de carniceiro te queres transformar?

There he is again!
He is interested to cause blood everywhere!

Obama, please stop and let the internal solutions of other independent nations be resolved by themselves.
You didn't destroy yet Syria and you're already thinking about Iran?
Not enough to reach Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya?

What kind of butcher you wanna be?

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