Israeli attacks Syria!!

Israeli attacks opened door to all possibilities: Syria.
Syria has described the recent Israeli aggression against its territory as a "flagrant violation of international law," adding that the attacks have opened the door "to all possibilities."

PressTV 05/05/2013

The usual agression, the usual crime, the usual criminals, the usual theory of self-defense, the usual disregard for international laws, the usual lies, the usual racism, the usual hatred for other people and so on and so on........!

Seems to me that one day all these tragedy must be invoiced to Israel Government. With default interest!
Will be impossible to mantain such callousness in the Middle East with the presence of a state made ​​against the will of those who have lived there for millennia!
Impossible to maintain such ignoble and counterproductive situation!
That´s why there is no peace in the Middle East.
This will end when someone disappears.

A agressão de costume, o crime habitual, os criminosos usuais, a teoria usual de auto-defesa e comiseração, o desprezo usual pelas leis internacionais, as mentiras habituais, o racismo, o ódio habitual usual contra outros povos, assim por diante e assim por diante ........!

Um dia esta tragédia será faturado ao Governo de Israel. Com juros de mora!
Será impossível manter ad eternum tal situação no Oriente Médio, com a presença de um estado feito contra a vontade daqueles que por lá viveram há há milénios!

É impossível manter tal situação ignóbil e contraproducente!
É por isso que não haverá paz no Oriente Médio.
Esta só virá quando alguém desaparecer.

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