US recon aircraft intercepted by Russian fighter jet over Baltic - Pentagon.
“On the morning of April 7, a US RC-135U, flying a routine route in international airspace, was intercepted by a Russian Su-27 Flanker in an unsafe and unprofessional manner,” the Washington Free Beacon (WFB) cited Pentagon spokeswoman Eileen M. Lainez as saying.
RT 26/05/2015
For those, mainly into Portugal where a media service is controled by suckers and stupid frightened, here is an evidence that the reverse could happpens.
Sometimes will be Russian planes over Baltic, others USA.
No big deal.
They are military super powers and fortunately they will be responsable to mantain an significant and necessary balance of power.
The real enemy is from other area called ISIS.
‘US hunt for Russians’?? In the name of what??
‘US hunt for Russians’: Moscow warns citizens traveling abroad.
Russia has urged its citizens to weigh all the risks before traveling abroad, warning that the US is on a global “hunt” for Russian nationals, according to the latest statement published by the Foreign Ministry.
RT 23/05/2015
‘US hunt for Russians’??
In the name of what??
It serves only to terrorize people?
“The American authorities continue the unacceptable practice of ‘hunting’ for Russians all over the world, ignoring the norms of international laws and twisting the arms of other states.”
One more time, those are other news that surely the Western media does not show us, at least and us usual in my country.
What´s the reason?
Russia has urged its citizens to weigh all the risks before traveling abroad, warning that the US is on a global “hunt” for Russian nationals, according to the latest statement published by the Foreign Ministry.
RT 23/05/2015
‘US hunt for Russians’??
In the name of what??
It serves only to terrorize people?
“The American authorities continue the unacceptable practice of ‘hunting’ for Russians all over the world, ignoring the norms of international laws and twisting the arms of other states.”
One more time, those are other news that surely the Western media does not show us, at least and us usual in my country.
What´s the reason?
Another Western hypocrisy?
US, Europe alarmed by death verdicts for Morsi, others.
The recent death sentences handed down to Egypt’s first democratically-elected President Mohamed Morsi and scores of others have prompted fears in the US and Europe of what experts refer to as a “total war” on the Muslim Brotherhood movement by the government in Cairo.
PressTV 18/05/2015
US, Europe alarmed by death verdicts for Morsi.
According to my education and feelings, this kind of Western position is called hypocrisy, which definition is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
Following a democratic poll in Egypt, Morsi won the right to choose their legal government.
But as always, the West, mainly the USA, starts to poisoned and cause serious internal reactions against Morsi in that country, based only on the principles that they must interfre, as usual in the internal affairs of the whole world.
The result was a copy past of what was happened in the 60´s and 70´s decade in South America (just Chile has been the most criminal example) or any point of the World where the USA and some Wester European (mainly England) countries has pretension of political and/or economical pretensions.
The military coup imposed in Egypt in behalf of the Government of Morsi by the leader Sissi, has as result the arrest and conviction of Pres. Morsi which means that "democracy" sometimes is interdict to many countries in the World when Legal Government out of legal elections, is not according to the "democratic" principles defined by the West in general.
This same West is now concerned about Egyptian Court death verdicts for Morsi.
Perhaps consciousness, if there, they are feeling guilty, which is true in the general opinion.
The least, I only can call this attitude is this; hypocrisy.
West always, but always proved all the times to be the biggest and the best teacher in this matter.
As there is no consciousness in this kind of people, after the eventual Morsi execution, forgetfulness will be promptly prepared by the the "respectable" western media.
All CNN's and BBC's in the world will imposed themselves a gradual and significant silence.
People will forget later or sooner another political and "legal" crime. As ususal!
Unfortunately I have no doubts about it!
The recent death sentences handed down to Egypt’s first democratically-elected President Mohamed Morsi and scores of others have prompted fears in the US and Europe of what experts refer to as a “total war” on the Muslim Brotherhood movement by the government in Cairo.
PressTV 18/05/2015
US, Europe alarmed by death verdicts for Morsi.
According to my education and feelings, this kind of Western position is called hypocrisy, which definition is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
Following a democratic poll in Egypt, Morsi won the right to choose their legal government.
But as always, the West, mainly the USA, starts to poisoned and cause serious internal reactions against Morsi in that country, based only on the principles that they must interfre, as usual in the internal affairs of the whole world.
The result was a copy past of what was happened in the 60´s and 70´s decade in South America (just Chile has been the most criminal example) or any point of the World where the USA and some Wester European (mainly England) countries has pretension of political and/or economical pretensions.
The military coup imposed in Egypt in behalf of the Government of Morsi by the leader Sissi, has as result the arrest and conviction of Pres. Morsi which means that "democracy" sometimes is interdict to many countries in the World when Legal Government out of legal elections, is not according to the "democratic" principles defined by the West in general.
This same West is now concerned about Egyptian Court death verdicts for Morsi.
Perhaps consciousness, if there, they are feeling guilty, which is true in the general opinion.
The least, I only can call this attitude is this; hypocrisy.
West always, but always proved all the times to be the biggest and the best teacher in this matter.
As there is no consciousness in this kind of people, after the eventual Morsi execution, forgetfulness will be promptly prepared by the the "respectable" western media.
All CNN's and BBC's in the world will imposed themselves a gradual and significant silence.
People will forget later or sooner another political and "legal" crime. As ususal!
Unfortunately I have no doubts about it!
O TC em Itália
Itália devolve 500 euros em média a cada pensionista.
O Tribunal Constitucional forçou o governo italiano a devolver o congelamento das reformas.
DE 18/05/2015
Em qualquer lado do Mundo dito civilizado, qualquer Tribunal Constitucional que prime pela Honra e pelo respeito à Constituição, ordena e bem, a retribuição daquilo que um Governo, seja ele qual for, ilegalmente roubou, torno a repetir o que disse roubou aos seus trabalhadores, pensionistas ou Povo em geral.
Tão simples como isto.
Pelos vistos tal como por cá em Itália o forró do "mete ao bolso" estaria igualmente na ordem do dia.
O Tribunal Constitucional forçou o governo italiano a devolver o congelamento das reformas.
DE 18/05/2015
Em qualquer lado do Mundo dito civilizado, qualquer Tribunal Constitucional que prime pela Honra e pelo respeito à Constituição, ordena e bem, a retribuição daquilo que um Governo, seja ele qual for, ilegalmente roubou, torno a repetir o que disse roubou aos seus trabalhadores, pensionistas ou Povo em geral.
Tão simples como isto.
Pelos vistos tal como por cá em Itália o forró do "mete ao bolso" estaria igualmente na ordem do dia.
Bruxelas, vai para o Inferno
Mais um abutre da desgraça europeia
Bruxelas diz que Portugal precisa de mais medidas para cumprir metas orçamentais.
Para 2015, a Comissão diz que o défice abaixo de 3% “não está ainda garantido, mas pode ser alcançado”. Para 2016 e anos seguintes, afirma que as medidas "parecem ser insuficientes em termos de dimensão".
Público 13/05/2015
Bruxelas, vai para o inferno, vai para o quinto dos infernos, vai para o diabo que te carregue mais a tua petulância badalhoca e canalha, de quem se arma em controladora dos desígnios e dos direitos dos Povos Europeus que se estão nas tintas para as tuas directivas e cujo ódio aos canalhas que alimentas chorudamente nos teus gabinetes de dolce fare niente, cada vez é maior.
Nem isso consegues compreender ou admitir, tal é a tua cegueira por chupar o sangue dos teus concidadãos mais desfavorecidos.
Quem és tu Bruxelas, capital de um não país, para impor mais sofrimento e angústia ao meu Povo e a outros que por desgraça geográfica consideras limitrofes do teu círculo de abutres?
Não te chegou a desgraça e a miséria que espalhaste nos últimos quatro anos a Portugueses, Espanhóis, Gregos, Italianos, Cipriotas e Irlandeses para ainda agora vires afirmar do alto da tua arrogante e petulante atitude de liberasta que temos de fazer mais sacrifícios.
Não te chegou o que roubaste através de juros a 7% para entregares aos Germânicos para que eles ufanamente e com aquela maldita altivez nazi se considerem o motor desta Europa por tua culpa e deles em fase acelerada de decadência Mundial?
Maldita sejas tu Bruxelas e os teus abutres economistas, pelo o aborto em que transformaste a UE nestes últimos anos.
Bruxelas diz que Portugal precisa de mais medidas para cumprir metas orçamentais.
Para 2015, a Comissão diz que o défice abaixo de 3% “não está ainda garantido, mas pode ser alcançado”. Para 2016 e anos seguintes, afirma que as medidas "parecem ser insuficientes em termos de dimensão".
Público 13/05/2015
Bruxelas, vai para o inferno, vai para o quinto dos infernos, vai para o diabo que te carregue mais a tua petulância badalhoca e canalha, de quem se arma em controladora dos desígnios e dos direitos dos Povos Europeus que se estão nas tintas para as tuas directivas e cujo ódio aos canalhas que alimentas chorudamente nos teus gabinetes de dolce fare niente, cada vez é maior.
Nem isso consegues compreender ou admitir, tal é a tua cegueira por chupar o sangue dos teus concidadãos mais desfavorecidos.
Quem és tu Bruxelas, capital de um não país, para impor mais sofrimento e angústia ao meu Povo e a outros que por desgraça geográfica consideras limitrofes do teu círculo de abutres?
Não te chegou a desgraça e a miséria que espalhaste nos últimos quatro anos a Portugueses, Espanhóis, Gregos, Italianos, Cipriotas e Irlandeses para ainda agora vires afirmar do alto da tua arrogante e petulante atitude de liberasta que temos de fazer mais sacrifícios.
Não te chegou o que roubaste através de juros a 7% para entregares aos Germânicos para que eles ufanamente e com aquela maldita altivez nazi se considerem o motor desta Europa por tua culpa e deles em fase acelerada de decadência Mundial?
Maldita sejas tu Bruxelas e os teus abutres economistas, pelo o aborto em que transformaste a UE nestes últimos anos.
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