Uma vergonha chamada PSD
Se não é para exercerem livremente o seu mandato de deputados, então mais vale irem para casa (Por João Miguel Tavares).
Público 20/01/2014
Eis para mim a posição mais correcta e inteligente que alguma vez li sobre um assunto que foi hipocritamente utilizado pelo PSD mais os seus cobardolas acólitos sem escrúpulos ou a LGBT com os seus vergonhosos, asquerosos e nojentos lóbis!
Estou longe, politicamente longe de João Miguel Tavares, mas aqui dou-lhe sem nenhum favor, toda a razão deste mundo.
Que as crianças não sejam utilizadas para os caprichos de tal gentalha!
EU human rights violations
Russia slams EU for human rights violations
Russia has criticized the European Union (EU) for portraying itself as a human rights champion while facing serious problems concerning violation of rights.
PressTV 16/01/2014
EU quickly blames other countries for human rights violation.
In the meantime EU is the one of the top six violators of human rights in company of Saudi Arabia, Israel, USA and Kuwait.
Just look to Siria, Irak, Lebanon, Palestine and others to have a global picture how EU violate the human rights.
This is a report from the other side of the opinion media, another vision of the situation.
Nowdays we can not accept just one point of view. And the EU media propaganda is easly showing today, how difficult is to believe what they say.
‘Ineffective and flawed’ - Russian report blasts EU’s Human Rights protection system.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has issued a critical report on human rights in the European Union saying that Europe still faced serious problems, and that member states are avoiding obligations that would change things for the better.
RT 16/01/2014
Russia has criticized the European Union (EU) for portraying itself as a human rights champion while facing serious problems concerning violation of rights.
PressTV 16/01/2014
EU quickly blames other countries for human rights violation.
In the meantime EU is the one of the top six violators of human rights in company of Saudi Arabia, Israel, USA and Kuwait.
Just look to Siria, Irak, Lebanon, Palestine and others to have a global picture how EU violate the human rights.
This is a report from the other side of the opinion media, another vision of the situation.
Nowdays we can not accept just one point of view. And the EU media propaganda is easly showing today, how difficult is to believe what they say.
‘Ineffective and flawed’ - Russian report blasts EU’s Human Rights protection system.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has issued a critical report on human rights in the European Union saying that Europe still faced serious problems, and that member states are avoiding obligations that would change things for the better.
RT 16/01/2014
Ronaldo; بهترین در همه چیز - Melhor em tudo - Better in everything -
Ronaldo melhor em tudo que Messi e não só a jogar à bola!
Ronaldo Better in everything than Messi not only playing ball!
!رونالدو بهتر از مسی در همه است، نه فقط به بازی فوتبال
The Dedicated Leader
Obama says Sharon ‘dedicated leader’!
US President Barack Obama has said that Ariel Sharon was a ‘leader who dedicated his life’ to Israel.
“On behalf of the American people, Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to the family of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and to the people of Israel,” Obama said
PressTV 12/01/2014 link
Assim como se agridem as memórias de conhecidos lutadores e heróis, conotados com os movimentos de Libertação e/ou partidos de Esquerda por esse mundo fora, não esperem agora contemplações com autênticos tiranos e terrorista tal como este senhor Ariel Sharon o foi no início da formação do Estado de Israel e ao longo da sua carreira política como chefe do estado mais racista do Mundo.
Para além dos Palestinianos, os Ingleses que o digam!
"El mundo jamás olvidará los crímenes de Sharon"
HispanTV 12/01/2014
El mundo jamás olvidará los crímenes del ex primer ministro del régimen israelí Ariel Sharon, dijo el sábado el asesor del presidente del Parlamento iraní para Asuntos Internacionales, Hosein Sheijoleslam. Link
Israel friend of yours, Mr Cameron?
Israel friend of yours, Mr Cameron?
"Of course, these statistics for 2013 barely scratch the surface. The stomach-churning story of the rogue regime’s inhuman conduct stretches back to World War II, before its founding, when its terrorist ancestors were attacking and murdering British soldiers of the mandated government right up to their departure in 1948."
PressTV 11/01/2014
It is up to you Mr Cameron!
But with "friends" like those, who needs enemies, Mr Cameron?
"Of course, these statistics for 2013 barely scratch the surface. The stomach-churning story of the rogue regime’s inhuman conduct stretches back to World War II, before its founding, when its terrorist ancestors were attacking and murdering British soldiers of the mandated government right up to their departure in 1948."
PressTV 11/01/2014
It is up to you Mr Cameron!
But with "friends" like those, who needs enemies, Mr Cameron?
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