Um Rui Machete na “gestão sã e prudente” de cinco bancos concorrentes
PTJornal 26/09/2013
O agora ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros teve, em 2008, cargos em cinco bancos concorrentes, revela o Público. Uma prática que para o Banco de Portugal só pode ser executada por “pessoas cuja idoneidade e disponibilidade dêem garantia de uma gestão sã e prudente”.
Originalidades de um País que se tornou uma imbecilidade colectiva a olhos vistos; Rui Machete, o Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros do burgo teve em tempos a “gestão sã e prudente” de cinco bancos concorrentes!
Só no País dos tugas e não de Portugueses isto é possível!
Será que o senhor "Incorrecções Factuais" vê-se diariamente ao espelho para admirar a máscara de aldrabice que se tem travestido?
Penso que nem vergonha tem perante uma imagem de tanta imoralidade humana.
Yair Lapid has criticized the Israeli delegation!
Boycotting Rouhani speech a mistake: Israeli minister
Israel’s Finance Minister Yair Lapid has criticized the Israeli delegation for walking out of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s speech at the UN General Assembly as a mistake.
PressTV (the voice of the voiceless) 26/09/2013
Assim se vê da "bondade" e dos princípios morais daquela gente!
E isto quando o próprio ministro Yair Lapid vem reconhecer a asneirada habitual de quem gosta só de resolver a situações à porrada por ter as costas resguardadas pelas transferências de milhares de milhão de dollars dos USA.
Pode ser que um dia o feitiço se volte contra o feiticeiro.
Aí a solução pode ser bem diferente.
Caso goste de analisar as coisas com mais abrangência, valerá a pena dar uma vista de olhos por este link!
Israel’s Finance Minister Yair Lapid has criticized the Israeli delegation for walking out of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s speech at the UN General Assembly as a mistake.
PressTV (the voice of the voiceless) 26/09/2013
Assim se vê da "bondade" e dos princípios morais daquela gente!
E isto quando o próprio ministro Yair Lapid vem reconhecer a asneirada habitual de quem gosta só de resolver a situações à porrada por ter as costas resguardadas pelas transferências de milhares de milhão de dollars dos USA.
Pode ser que um dia o feitiço se volte contra o feiticeiro.
Aí a solução pode ser bem diferente.
Caso goste de analisar as coisas com mais abrangência, valerá a pena dar uma vista de olhos por este link!
Oxalá! - Hopefully! - !انشاالله
Obama & Rouhani: The historic handshake that never happened.
RT 25/09/2013
Assim sim: agrada-me bastante saber que podem vir a conversar, mau grado os lobis da indústria militar de ambos os lados não estarem muito contentes.
Mas já é um bom sinal.
So yes: it pleases me greatly to know they can come to talk, despite the military industry lobbying on both sides to be unhappy.
But it's a good sign.
بله: آن را به من بخواهد تا حد زیادی به می دانم که آنها می توانند به صحبت، با وجود لابی صنایع نظامی در هر دو طرف ناراضی باشد
اما نشانه خوبی است
RT 25/09/2013
Assim sim: agrada-me bastante saber que podem vir a conversar, mau grado os lobis da indústria militar de ambos os lados não estarem muito contentes.
Mas já é um bom sinal.
So yes: it pleases me greatly to know they can come to talk, despite the military industry lobbying on both sides to be unhappy.
But it's a good sign.
بله: آن را به من بخواهد تا حد زیادی به می دانم که آنها می توانند به صحبت، با وجود لابی صنایع نظامی در هر دو طرف ناراضی باشد
اما نشانه خوبی است
Dr. Hassan Rouhani
Dr. Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran
Live Video Webcast
AsiaSociety 24/09/2013
For those who should understand Islamic Repiblic of Iran, despite an evil militance and a petty arrogance of some persons in the World against a great Nation.
Dr. Rouhani is the seventh President of Iran.
He has been a Representative of the Supreme Leader to the Supreme National Security Council, a Member of the Expediency Council, and a Member of the Assembly of Experts.
He held the following positions as a Member of the Majlis (Parliament): Majlis Deputy, Chairman of Majlis Defense Commission, First Deputy Speaker, and Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee. He also served as the President of the Center for Strategic Research.
He holds a Ph.D. in Constitutional Law and an M. Phil. in Law from Glasgow Caledonian University (UK), and a B.A. in Judicial Law from the University of Tehran.
Live Video Webcast
AsiaSociety 24/09/2013
For those who should understand Islamic Repiblic of Iran, despite an evil militance and a petty arrogance of some persons in the World against a great Nation.
Dr. Rouhani is the seventh President of Iran.
He has been a Representative of the Supreme Leader to the Supreme National Security Council, a Member of the Expediency Council, and a Member of the Assembly of Experts.
He held the following positions as a Member of the Majlis (Parliament): Majlis Deputy, Chairman of Majlis Defense Commission, First Deputy Speaker, and Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee. He also served as the President of the Center for Strategic Research.
He holds a Ph.D. in Constitutional Law and an M. Phil. in Law from Glasgow Caledonian University (UK), and a B.A. in Judicial Law from the University of Tehran.
Armados demais para meu gosto!
Armados demais para meu gosto (fora o que devem ter escondido e não o dizem oficialmente).
Mas há que contrabalançar o peso oposto.
Que valha só por manter o equilíbrio e acabar com os aventureiros habituais e as aventuras semelhantes às anteriormente recentes.
West blocks draft resolution against Israel one more time!
West blocks draft resolution against Israel’s nukes at IAEA.
Western countries have once again blocked a resolution proposed by Arab states to the UN nuclear agency criticizing Israel’s undeclared nuclear weapons.
PressTV (the voice of the voiceless) 20/09/2013
Israel, one more time has refused to acknowledge to the World that possesses nuclear weapons.
At the some time is not a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
It is believed, at least to be the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East.
What concerns me is the official position of Europe, closing eyes, whistling sideways, supporting Netanyahu's lies and so on!
Western countries have once again blocked a resolution proposed by Arab states to the UN nuclear agency criticizing Israel’s undeclared nuclear weapons.
PressTV (the voice of the voiceless) 20/09/2013
Israel, one more time has refused to acknowledge to the World that possesses nuclear weapons.
At the some time is not a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
It is believed, at least to be the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East.
What concerns me is the official position of Europe, closing eyes, whistling sideways, supporting Netanyahu's lies and so on!
Mensagens (Atom)
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