Another "Syrian Free Army" crime!
Syrian TV reporter killed by rebel sniper near Qusair
Yara Abbas, a prominent female Syrian war reporter, was killed in the country’s west, Syrian officials confirmed. The country remains a dangerous place for journalists, especially as some rebel groups reportedly target them for assassination.
Russian Today (RT) 28/05/2013
Another beautifull woman murdered by the "democratic" and West supported, payed and supplied forces of improperly called "Free Syrian Army", a bunch of terrorists and mercenaries.
Monkey business!
I hope an official position of the IFJ (western organization off course), also dedicated to promoting press freedom, human rights, labor rights, democracy and the fight against corruption and poverty, bla bla, bla bla and so on.
Let´s wait and see.
Killer gas supplied to Gaza Hospitals!
Israel supplies Gaza hospitals with killer gas.
Palestinian sources say the Israeli regime has supplied Gaza hospitals with a potentially killer gas to be used for anesthetic purposes, Press TV reports.
“This is another attempt by Israel to make life harder for the people of Gaza amid the ongoing blockade. Israel is the sole supplier of nitrous gas and there is no one else to blame but the Israeli occupation,” al-Qudra added.
PressTV 27/05/2013
just a warning of what is happening in Gaza, nothing more.
And please do not come to me with the story that PressTV do not speaks true!
What guarantees do I have this side of the "democratic" press?
No more comments!
Palestinian sources say the Israeli regime has supplied Gaza hospitals with a potentially killer gas to be used for anesthetic purposes, Press TV reports.
“This is another attempt by Israel to make life harder for the people of Gaza amid the ongoing blockade. Israel is the sole supplier of nitrous gas and there is no one else to blame but the Israeli occupation,” al-Qudra added.
PressTV 27/05/2013
just a warning of what is happening in Gaza, nothing more.
And please do not come to me with the story that PressTV do not speaks true!
What guarantees do I have this side of the "democratic" press?
No more comments!
A corrupta classe política Portuguêsa
Da fama não escapam, a não ser que mandem prender este homem, o que seria evidentemente típico de uma classe de gangsters que tem governado este País, desde as mais simples Juntas de Freguesia, passando pelas câmaras Municipais, ensonando-se num Parlamento de autênticos agiotas e concluindo num Presidente pertencente a esta mesma classe de corruptos e que a implantou desde os tempos em que foi 1º Ministro.
Não nos venham pedir que se tenha educação para com estas seitas que desgraça há pouco mais de trinta anos uma Pátria com mais de nove séculos de existência.
Tenho pena de técnicamente não conseguir colocar a tradução em língua inglesa neste filme do Youtube.
Como já reparei que sou lido fora de portas, desde os EUA, Rússia, Alemanha, Austrália, etc, gostaria que lá fora soubessem a corja que nos suga diariamente e para os quais nós, estupidamente temos votado.
"A minha democracia é melhor q´a tua!"
Irão: A democracia segundo os aiatolas.
Com a rejeição de 678 candidaturas e a aprovação de oito por parte do Conselho de Guardiões, começou na quarta-feira a campanha para as eleições presidenciais de dia 14. O ex-Presidente Rafsanjani e o delfim de Ahmadinejad, que está de saída, foram impedidos de concorrer.
Sol 27/05/2013
Opiniões sobre as eleições na RI Irão.
Há sempre algo a contestar, a falar mal, a denegrir, a envenenar desde que não sejam da nossa cor.
Ou então, como meninos mal educados e ressabiados, com a teoria de que a minha democracia é melhor do que a tua!
toma, toma, toma!
Suspicious death - Who speaks true?
Suspicious death of two FBI agents creates controversy.
Two well-trained Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents who were involved in the killing of a Boston bombing suspect have suspiciously died.
PressTV 26/05/2013
Suspicious deaths.
Which knaveries are being manufactured within the CIA and the FBI?
If we want to know anything, we have to see, listen and read the press in countries that look us through a different format.
Probably a format too realistic and extols the rot that the West has plunged.
Take a look on this PressTV article, but please, do not tell me they don´t speak true!
In this true moment which of them speaks true?
Two well-trained Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents who were involved in the killing of a Boston bombing suspect have suspiciously died.
PressTV 26/05/2013
Suspicious deaths.
Which knaveries are being manufactured within the CIA and the FBI?
If we want to know anything, we have to see, listen and read the press in countries that look us through a different format.
Probably a format too realistic and extols the rot that the West has plunged.
Take a look on this PressTV article, but please, do not tell me they don´t speak true!
In this true moment which of them speaks true?
Parabéns - Vitória de Guimarães vencedor da Taça de Portugal 2013
As fotografias são do meu amigo Florêncio, um Vimaranense dos costados todos que possam existir!
Com a devida licença aqui as exponho.
Jogo inesquecível!
Ganhou quem mereceu e esse foi o Vitória de Guimarães.
Parabéns ao clube, à bela cidade e a toda a sua População que tão acerrimamente defende e que apoia um bem que lhe é muito querido e é muito seu.
Para a história fica um SLB derrotado na praia por três vezes, única e exclusivamente por culpa própria.
A vida continua.
Mas por agora é festa rija na noite de Guimarães, cidade berço do meu Portugal.
Canadian polls fraud? Amazing in the West
Confirmed: Canada 2011 polls fraudulent
The Canadian Federal Court has confirmed that the country’s 2011 federal election, which led to the victory of Stephen Harper's government, was fraudulent.
PressTV 25/05/2013
I supposed that fraudulent elections was only in Egypt, Palestine, Iran, countries that for reasons well known to us, are not Western sympathy.
In my country we usuailly say; the worst stain falls in best cloth! Eh Eh Eh!
Which moral some guys have now to explain this event?
The Canadian Federal Court has confirmed that the country’s 2011 federal election, which led to the victory of Stephen Harper's government, was fraudulent.
PressTV 25/05/2013
I supposed that fraudulent elections was only in Egypt, Palestine, Iran, countries that for reasons well known to us, are not Western sympathy.
In my country we usuailly say; the worst stain falls in best cloth! Eh Eh Eh!
Which moral some guys have now to explain this event?
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