Russian president says US plotted ‘coup’ in Ukraine
Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Washington of organizing what he describes as an armed coup in Ukraine, saying Moscow saw through the US ploy of hiding behind Europe in the bid to overthrow the former Ukrainian government.
“They helped training the nationalists, their armed groups, in Western Ukraine, in Poland and to some extent in Lithuania,” he said, adding that “they facilitated the armed coup.”
From RT 16/03/2015
Let's talk clear.
We know some one has his own point o view concerning the conflit between Ukrainian and Russian. I have mine, off course.
From my side, I never hid my sympathy for Putin, dislike attitudes of the US and EU, due to well known examples of previous interventions in that both are a perfect model of political terrorism against other countries (Libia, Irak, Siria, and so on).
In this interview is clear the previous West preparation on the coup.
True or false is up to us, but I prefer to believe in Putin, even if he want's to "paint" a beautiful picture of the Russian intervention in Ukraine then to accept the Western point of view loaded of naughtiness as we can illustrate in several examples previously well known and unnecessary repeat.
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