Images from Kiev’s 2014 Maidan "revolution"

15 terrifying images from Kiev’s 2014 Maidan revolution.

Burning tires, barricades of rubble and blood on the pavement – RT presents the most striking photos from last February’s Maidan riots in Ukraine, which turned the capital Kiev into a warzone and led to an armed coup in the country.
From RT 20/02/2015

15 terrifying images from Kiev’s 2014 improperly called Maidan revolution.

Important to remember now, after one year and when ukraine chose to align with unsavory "friends".

conclusion; today is a "No Country", dependent of any outside help, more than anyone else and inexplicably turn its back to Russia, who always had and has centuries-old ties of neighborhood, collaboration, culture and even linguistic.

Anyway, once again the EU intervention in Ukraine (always with the top indication of Uncle Sam) with the shameful neo liberal and neo fascist policy, resulted in the disgrace of another country.

Dear Mr Barroso, you should under normal circumstances, be called to international court!

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O que assusta muito,....,!

  O que mais nos assusta não é o facto do terrorismo media nos mentir a toda a hora. todos os dias. desavergonhadamente e descaradamente. Es...
