Why is Western Liberalism so violent and irrational?

Why is Western Liberalism so violent and irrational?
Iranian 16/10/2014

Since the beginning of the 20th century, Western liberals championing ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ together with ‘secularism’ in government, have been involved in innumerable acts of genocide against defenceless civilians all across the world.

The ‘technology’ used in this Western liberal horror show has usually included the development, mass production and use weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) specifically made to mass murder civilians.

In the name of ‘freedom’ and ‘peace’, such weapons are subsequently ‘banned’ under laws developed in the main by Western liberals in forums such as the United Nations, which was also set up in the main by Western liberals.

This article must be read und understand as the reality of our days, because on these last Years, the panic of losing economic and military supremacy that became evident in the self called "democratic" Western countries, caused not only to take attitudes of perfect darkness and fascism against their own populations, but above all intending impose by force its principles, contrary to those civilized secular lifestyles of populations, means in Asia, Africa or South America, but above all in the Middle East which were the cause of the greatest humanitarian catastrophe ever seen.

This was, for sure one of the reasons for the emergence of movements called terrorists, as ISIS and others that are now a mortal danger not only to the Middle East but also and mainly for Europe itself.

Who set them?
Who gave them money and support of all kinds?
The West, called "democratic".
This is a reason to say; you kill with iron, with iron you will die.

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