Mia Couto Wins 2014 Neustadt International Prize for Literature

Noted Mozambican Author Mia Couto Wins 2014 Neustadt International Prize for Literature
Mozambican author António Emílio Leite Couto (Mia Couto) has been chosen by a jury of nine international authors to receive the 2014 Neustadt International Prize for Literature.


Congratulations Mia Couto to speak and represented so well the language of Camões, the Portuguese Language nowdays better spoken by you than the Portuguese themselves! Thank you Mia.

Parabéns Mia couto por falares e representares tão bem a Língua de Camões, a Língua Portuguesa hoje em dia mais bem falada por ti do que pelos próprios Portugueses! Obrigado Mia.

The never ending story!

Israeli soldiers kill at least four Palestinians.
Israeli soldiers have killed at least four Gazans as the regime’s blockade and brutality against the Palestinians continue.
PressTV 01/11/2013

In accordance with political and international interests (West interests and bad consciousness feelings) and based on the manufacturing of a virtual State in place of existing one, this story will never ends!

The solution would be dangerous enough and not acceptable for both sides: a single state!
Based on this impossibility, there is only one solution: one of the contenders has to be gone. No other solution is on the long view.

It seems, according to the experience that even with all the military power of one side, the real power of conscience, the love to the fathers land and the undisputed truth of the historical facts, true will prevail!

Europa, para que te quero??

Que tipo de Europa será esta que vivemos?   Com o “motor” franco-alemão avariado, o regresso iminente de Donald Trump à Casa Branca, as guer...
