by Bradley Burston
Mr. Netanyahu, before you bomb Iran, say goodbye to everyone you know
When the war is under way, it won't matter why you insisted on pursuing this; whether it was a bluff that went ballistic, or a tragic thirst for a place in history.
Haaretz 13/08/2012
You can be sure!
No doubts about it!
It will be your choice mf´s!
Justiça terrorista de um estado terrorista!
Soldado suspeito da morte de duas palestinianas condenado a 45 dias de prisão.
Um soldado israelita suspeito da morte de duas palestinianas em Gaza em 2009 vai ser condenado a 45 dias de prisão devido a um acordo com a justiça militar, anunciaram hoje os órgãos de informação locais.
In TSF 13/08/2012
Justiça da treta. Justiça terrorista de um estado terrorista; Israel.
Uns são filhos da Mãe, os outros são filhos da "outra".
Um soldado israelita suspeito da morte de duas palestinianas em Gaza em 2009 vai ser condenado a 45 dias de prisão devido a um acordo com a justiça militar, anunciaram hoje os órgãos de informação locais.
In TSF 13/08/2012
Justiça da treta. Justiça terrorista de um estado terrorista; Israel.
Uns são filhos da Mãe, os outros são filhos da "outra".
Please do not be late!
Putin: Russian military will receive 1,600 new warplanes, helicopters
PressTV 12/08/2012
"Since elected as president for the first time in 2000, Putin has sought to restore pride in the Cold War-era superpower’s Armed Forces."
PressTV 12/08/2012
"Since elected as president for the first time in 2000, Putin has sought to restore pride in the Cold War-era superpower’s Armed Forces."
Time to lose the fear
Time for sanctions against the USA
With its usual insufferable arrogance, its egregious hubris, and its all-encompassing self-righteous, bumptious hypocrisy, the USA is proposing to revoke the license of Standard Chartered, a British bank, for trading with Iran.
PressTV 09/08/2012 (have a look on the link)
It is time to lose the fear, even if you know the danger involved.
But enough means enough, everywhere you go.
With its usual insufferable arrogance, its egregious hubris, and its all-encompassing self-righteous, bumptious hypocrisy, the USA is proposing to revoke the license of Standard Chartered, a British bank, for trading with Iran.
PressTV 09/08/2012 (have a look on the link)
It is time to lose the fear, even if you know the danger involved.
But enough means enough, everywhere you go.
Back to the cold war please!
Washington green-lights American donations to Syrian rebels
Published: 06 August 2012 by RT
The US government has permitted its citizens to start donating money to Syria’s opposition, paving the way for direct help from US nationals to the rebel fighters.
Let´s do the some donating money to the Syrian government and Bashar forces!
Both sides are a bunch of gangsters and there is no one worst than the other.
Dividing forces and interests will be possible maintaining the necessary balance among international forces and at the some time no one can totally control the other side.
Back to the Cold War, please!
Published: 06 August 2012 by RT
The US government has permitted its citizens to start donating money to Syria’s opposition, paving the way for direct help from US nationals to the rebel fighters.
Let´s do the some donating money to the Syrian government and Bashar forces!
Both sides are a bunch of gangsters and there is no one worst than the other.
Dividing forces and interests will be possible maintaining the necessary balance among international forces and at the some time no one can totally control the other side.
Back to the Cold War, please!
Touchdown: Mars rover Curiosity lands successfully (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
Robotic rover Curiosity has successfully landed in Mars’ Gale Crater. The goal of the $2.5 billion mission is to find evidence that the Red Planet was once capable of supporting life.
RT 06/07/2012
No it is not a 49´s or Miami Dolphins team touchdown! It is the Rover Curiosity that arrives to Mars, open the future road, path or highway for the Humanity on Earth.
Maybe finally a couple of privileged people can open a clear and better future in Mars away from this crowed and dangerous planet that we transformed.
I have a dream that in a future day the best of the existing been on Earth can live
in peace and progress in Mars, away from permanent wars and daily crimes.
For me as a atheist, this is my dream, my real faith.
Science is my true religion.
Robotic rover Curiosity has successfully landed in Mars’ Gale Crater. The goal of the $2.5 billion mission is to find evidence that the Red Planet was once capable of supporting life.
RT 06/07/2012
No it is not a 49´s or Miami Dolphins team touchdown! It is the Rover Curiosity that arrives to Mars, open the future road, path or highway for the Humanity on Earth.
Maybe finally a couple of privileged people can open a clear and better future in Mars away from this crowed and dangerous planet that we transformed.
I have a dream that in a future day the best of the existing been on Earth can live
in peace and progress in Mars, away from permanent wars and daily crimes.
For me as a atheist, this is my dream, my real faith.
Science is my true religion.
Mensagens (Atom)
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